Meet the team.

Sarah Miller, Founder & Director

Sarah Miller is a U.S. Army veteran who served in Iraq during Operation Enduring Freedom. After returning home, Sarah faced challenges familiar to many veterans, struggling to reintegrate into civilian life and initially turning to alcohol to cope. She was later diagnosed with PTSD and learned that while it may never fully go away, we can live life on better terms with the right tools and support. Seeking a deeper purpose, Sarah began her journey toward healing, eventually finding sobriety and exploring various therapeutic approaches. She discovered profound benefits in meditation, breathwork, and somatic experiencing, which have become key pillars in her ongoing recovery and personal peace.

In February 2024, Sarah founded Veterans Breath Guide (VBG) to share the transformative practices that changed her life with other veterans. She holds a B.S. in Psychology and a Master of Management in Homeland Security from the University of Maryland. Additionally, Sarah is a certified meditation instructor under Deepak Chopra, a certified Breathmaster and 9D facilitator through Breathmasters, and holds a certificate in Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy from the Embody Lab.

Outside of VBG, Sarah is a dedicated mother of two, a full-time security professional, and an avid volunteer. In her free time, she enjoys cheering her kids on at sporting events, practicing hot yoga, and hiking the trails of North Carolina with her two rescue dogs.

Sonny Crouse, Vice Chair

Sonny Crouse is a former Army Ranger who served with the 75th Ranger Regiment in Special Operations from 2000 to 2004, completing four combat deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq. Like many early veterans of the Global War on Terror, Sonny faced significant challenges transitioning back to civilian life. With minimal support systems available, he was diagnosed with PTSD and worked tirelessly to overcome the obstacles in his path.

Determined to help other veterans avoid the difficulties he faced, Sonny became heavily involved in veteran advocacy. He played a key role in developing the United Way's Mission United program, which has since helped thousands of veterans across the country. He also serves as a mentor through the Three Rangers program, assisting fellow Army Rangers in finding meaningful post-service careers.

Sonny is passionate about the mission of VBG and is dedicated to supporting the veteran community through breathwork and mentoring. His leadership and commitment continue to have a lasting impact on veterans nationwide.

Jolene Guilmet, Treasurer

Jolene Guilmet is an Army veteran who served as an Interrogator and Korean Linguist from 2001 to 2006. During her deployment to Iraq, Jolene led over 150 interrogations and played a crucial role in handling sensitive material and defending her Forward Operating Base (FOB). She earned the Combat Action Badge and the Defense Meritorious Service Medal for her service.

After leaving the Army, Jolene struggled with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and found it difficult to adjust to life post-deployment. Initially turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms, Jolene eventually sought holistic healing methods, including meditation, hypnosis, and herbal remedies. These practices helped her reclaim her health and well-being, leading her to become an herbalist and holistic care mentor in her community.

Today, Jolene is a successful executive, mother of four boys, and the owner of a holistic and herbal health store. Through her involvement with VBG, she hopes to share her journey and help fellow veterans find healing through breathwork, meditation, and the natural world.

Joyce Harris, Breathmaster & Content CreatorĀ 

Joyce Harris is a certified Breathmaster and content coordinator at Veterans Breath Guide. Her passion for working with veterans stems from her personal experience with childhood trauma and her decades-long journey with PTSD. With both her son and father having served in the military, Joyce has a deep empathy for the men and women who have dedicated their lives to serving the country.

Joyce operates a breathwork practice in Central Illinois, where she works alongside counselors as part of a treatment team, helping clientsā€”including veterans and law enforcementā€”navigate the effects of significant trauma. She has seen firsthand how guided breathwork can help people break free from the grip of trauma and begin to thrive again. In addition to her work with VBG, Joyce is the CEO of The Breath Guide, an on-demand platform for transformational breathwork experiences.

Outside of her breathwork practice, Joyce has run a successful facility maintenance company for over 35 years. She is a proud mother of four and grandmother of five and is dedicated to using this chapter of her life to alleviate suffering and support healing in others.

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